4 random family members long hair cut short #haircutforlonghair #ladieshaircut #haircut #longhair
The blond mother was first to cut her hair. The stylist starts by gathering her blond hair all together with the comb and using comb over scissors chopping off all her golden locks. Listen to the sound of the scissors slicing through her thick blond hair. She then continue cutting the rest of her hair off with the free hand technique. Next was the older sister to cut her long brown hair short. She was nervous but so excited for this new look haircut and for this hair makeover from her very long hair to short hair. The stylist starts by cutting her hair straight across the back. Then it was the younger blond sister. Her hair is also lifted with the comb and cut with the scissors. Last is the middle sister to cut. Her nape is shaved then her hair is sprayed with water for the final cut. All the girls love their new look hairstyles. Watch to the end to see all the hair on the floor. #longtoshort #pixiehairstyle #pixiehaircut #pixie #barber #barbershop #pixiestyle #newlook #newhair #hairmakeover #summerhaircut #salon #potongrambut #haarschnitt #ladieshaircut #haircuts #hair #haircutchallenge