#relationship #relationshipadvice #commitment
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Your relationship is broken. You already know that, right? The question isn't just why is it broken—it's what can you do in the future to ensure it doesn't keep happening.
Because, after all we're just humans—we make mistakes. We screw up. Sometimes it happens more often than not. But patterns tend to repeat themselves. Like rollercoaster rides, they have their highs and their lows.
That doesn't make things better. It just means that we have to understand what's happening in our lives. What are we saying to ourselves? What words do we use to communicate with others—that's the basis of everything.
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===== ABOUT MICHAEL =====
Michael is the President and Founder of the Human Communications Institute, a leader in the personal and professional development industry. His programs, audios and seminars have impacted individuals and corporations from over 35 countries.
Michael has an unmatched natural-born talent to understand the psychology of individuals, which he will pass on to you. This innate and highly-tuned awareness allows him to quickly perceive what makes people make the decisions they make and what makes them do what they do. Rather than breaking down walls, Michael is skilled at getting people to rapidly lowering resistance in themselves and others, allowing room for progress.
Michael is the developer of Human Interaction Technology™(HIT), a powerful technology that allows people to understand unknown psychological triggers and powerful communication strategies so they can increase their charisma, influence, persuasion and connections with others. This leads to greater financial wealth, physical health and confidence throughout their day to day life. And with this technology, results last...permanently.
Find out more at https://michaelbernoff.com