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國家與皇權.4 天下政體 (上) (State and Monarchy in Traditional China EP4)

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臺大歷史學研究所 甘懷真教授 本課程核心為探究傳統中國的皇帝制度。所謂傳統中國泛指前近代的中國,即十九世紀以前的中國。而皇帝制度則指西元前221年開始­,秦始皇所建立的一種王權型態,其最高的政治首長被稱為皇帝,史學家稱之為皇帝制度。這種王權型態在其後經歷各種變化,結束於1­911年的國民革命,其後民國成立。 皇帝制度是一個鉅大的史學課題。本課程的開設,適逢辛亥革命百週年,也藉機檢討從專制到民主的變化及其意義。因此課程的目的也是­在反省民主政治的意義。 (完整課程影音請至臺大開放式課程網站觀看 Professor Huai-chen Kan, Department of History (Graduate Institute), NTU This course discusses the traditional imperial system of traditional China. Traditional China here refers to China before the 19th century; the imperial system refers to the monarchy established by Qin Shi Huang in 221BCE, and which kept the title of "emperor" throughout all of its historical permutations. This system ended in 1911 with the revolution that gave birth to the Republic of China. The imperial system is a major topic of historical study. This course was first offered in the hundredth anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, which prompts us to reflect on the shift from monarchy to democracy, and its significance. Thus, this course also aims to reflect upon the meaning of democracy. (Please go to NTU OpenCourseWare for completed episodes
