You want to move to Indonesia for good? Then you come to right place!
In this video I’ll explain four main things that non-Indonesians need to know. I’ll also include Indonesian phrases mentioned throughout this video.
==Time Stamp and Phrases==
0:34 Atheism is technically illegal (need to choose from 6 state recognized religions)
“yah sudah nasib” : well, that’s my fate.
3.22 Speak local dialect
“Goceng”: IDR5000, “Ceban”: IDR10000. Hokkien influenced dialect mainly spoken in Jakarta Chinatown, Pancoran district.
"Bule": Anglo or Caucasian appearance looking person. Sometimes used to describe anyone with fair skin in Indonesia. The term is by no means racist nor derogatory.
5:03 Don’t expect much individualism and privacy
My previous video where I experienced culture shock in Australia when it comes to Privacy.
‘Why Migrants Don’t Assimilate’
6:34 Beware of ‘Gengsi’
“Gengsi” = literally means pride or prestige. Your branded goods, title, job, attitude (won’t do stuff beneath your level) display your social status.
“Biar tekor asal tersohor” = it’s OK to go broke as long as people notice you.
“Mudik” or “pulang kampung” = returning to hometown, usually before major religious holidays like Ramadhan.
Thank you so much for watching, please let me know in comment if there’s any video you want to see about Indonesia.
You can also buy me a coffee if my content helps you in any way, I’ll appreciate it very much as it helps feeding my young family.
Many thanks,
iPhone pro max HDC
LV bag fake
Walking Around (Glodok)
Londokampung (Javanese speaking Aussie)
Jokowi masuk selokan (NET news)
#movingtoindonesia #livinginIndonesia #livinginBali #needtoknowaboutIndonesia #gengsi #atheisminindonesia #religioninindonesia #indonesialocaldialect #privacyinindonesia #visitindonesia #visitbali #indonesia #indonesianculture #visitbali #bali #indonesiantourism