本当は誰かに甘えたい……、本当は燃えるような新しい恋がしたい……、本当は老後がとっても心配……。 切なくて、笑えて、共感できる、アラフォー女子の姿を描いたドラマ。 『マンションを買った女』41歳バツイチの睦(中山美穂)は同じく独身の友人・貴子(霧島れいか)とマンションを共同購入する。ところが数カ月後…。
24日 プレミア公開します。
In reality, you want to be pampered by someone... In reality, you want to find a new, passionate love... In reality, you're very worried about your old age... This is a sad, funny, and relatable drama that depicts the lives of women in their 40s. "The Woman Who Bought an Apartment" Mutsumi (Nakayama Miho), a 41-year-old divorced woman, buys an apartment together with her friend Takako (Kirishima Reika), who is also single. However, a few months later...
Premieres on the 24th.