396 bbc 4.155"x 3.76" = 408ci
+11cc Dome pistons = 9.2 to 1 cr.
cam 236/[email protected] 520/540 lsa.110 Hyd.Roller
heads #290 GM. 2.07/1.72"Valves
Intake Edl.RPM
400 sbc 4.155"x3.75" = 406ci
-12cc Dish piston = 9.4 to 1 cr.
cam 235/247@ .050. 540/560 lsa.108 Hyd Roller
Heads. #997 GM 2.02/1.60" Valves
Intake Edl. RPM
Both test was run with a 770 carburetor, half inch spacer, Factory style GM HEI distributor