#珠海 #旅遊 #樓價
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/N2xNnPUHATf13Lvz7
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/25/9OhJ
餐廳消費:窩蛋牛肉粥 ¥26,蝦餃皇 ¥26,小籠包 ¥26,椰汁木瓜西米 ¥9.80,雞蛋腸粉 ¥12
珠海大劇院(英語:Zhuhai Grand Theater),原稱珠海歌劇院,位於中國廣東省珠海市野狸島北部,是珠海市內重要的文化藝術表演場地,也是目前中國國內唯一建設在海島上的大劇院,於2016年12月31日正式啟用,由北京保利劇院運營。
珠海大劇院計畫自批准立項後,2008年,珠海市政府面向全球徵集大劇院建築設計方案,先後有33家設計機構參與了概念設計方案的競爭。 2009年9月,由陳可石擔任主創設計師,香港中營都市與建築設計中心、北京大學中國城市設計研究中心及北京市建築設計研究院深圳分院設計聯合體設計的「日月貝」方案榮獲一等獎,並被認定為實施方案。
2010年4月28日,珠海大劇院在珠海情侶路對開海面的野狸島填海區正式破土動工。 2013年12月29日,珠海大劇院主體結構順利封頂。
Zhuhai Grand Theater (English: Zhuhai Grand Theater), formerly known as Zhuhai Opera House, is located in the north of Yeli Island, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, China. It is an important cultural and artistic performance venue in Zhuhai City and the only theater built on an island in China. It was officially opened on December 31, 2016 and is operated by Beijing Poly Theater.
Zhuhai Grand Theater has a total construction area of 59,000 square meters, and the project investment is estimated to be 1.718 billion yuan. It is invested and built by Zhuhai Urban Construction Group. The main building is designed with a large and a small "sun and moon shells". The large shell is called "sun shell", which is 90 meters high and can accommodate 1,550 spectators. The small shell is called "moon shell", which is a multifunctional small theater that can accommodate 550 spectators. There is an observation deck in the theater, which is convenient for the audience to watch the mountains and the sea.
After the Zhuhai Grand Theater project was approved, in 2008, the Zhuhai Municipal Government solicited architectural design plans for the Grand Theater from all over the world, and 33 design agencies participated in the competition for conceptual design plans. In September 2009, the "Sun and Moon Shell" scheme designed by the Hong Kong Zhongying Urban and Architectural Design Center, the China Urban Design Research Center of Peking University and the Shenzhen Branch of Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, with Chen Keshi as the chief designer, won the first prize and was determined as the implementation plan.
On April 28, 2010, Zhuhai Grand Theater officially broke ground in the Yeli Island reclamation area on the sea off Zhuhai Lovers' Road. On December 29, 2013, the main structure of Zhuhai Grand Theater was successfully capped.
In September 2015, Zhuhai Urban Construction Group and Beijing Poly Theater Management Company held a signing ceremony for the entrusted operation and management of Zhuhai Grand Theater, entrusting Beijing Poly Theater to operate and manage Zhuhai Grand Theater.
On October 27, 2016, Zhuhai Grand Theater held a full operation launch and ticket opening ceremony. All 1,550 tickets for the first performance were sold out within two hours after the ticket opening.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:24 晨早起床/天氣晴朗
03:27 珠海當地人最愛茶樓飲早茶/天鵝酒樓/珠海樓價如何?
08:45 讀餐牌時間
09:40 窩蛋牛肉粥/蝦餃皇/小籠包/椰汁木瓜西米/雞蛋腸粉
15:25 開車前往日月貝/珠海大劇院
18:30 珠海海韻城
23:50 直升機價格如何?
26:00 超市購物
28:41 開車前往中山三鄉
33:01 Ending
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