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【藝起聊#42】大地藝術1: 向傳統體制發起挑戰 | Land Art 1: Challenging the Art Institution | 老彥+小龍 | 加拿大溫哥華 | 2021-02-19

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歡迎來到我的頻道❤️! 你訂閱了嗎😉😁? Welcome to subscribe my channel 請打開小鈴鐺幾時接收新片推出的通知 沙甸鹹水埠官方網站: Instagram: 臉書粉絲專頁: “Land Art 1: Challenging the Art Institution ” (Non Chinese Viewer please turn on Subtitle caption - Automated translation and You will get your own language sub) | 加拿大溫哥華 | Vancouver | 2021-02-19 楊小彥教授,是中國著名藝術史學家、批評家、策展人,中山大學傳播與設計學院教授兼博士生導師,廣州美術學院、中國美術學院、四川美術學院、西安美術學院等國內頂尖藝術專業院校的客座教授, 同時兼任西安美術學院博士生導師,第十三屆中國美術批評家年會輪值主席,也是國內多家頂級大型美術館如:清華美術學院美術館、北京今日美術館、廣東美術館的資深藝術顧問。 龍邃洋,生於廣州,畢業於廣州美術學院雕塑系,獲學士學位;及後留學法國,於東巴黎大學電影與多媒體藝術系紀錄藝術專業,獲碩士學位;曾任嶺南畫派紀念館當代藝術項目策展人,廣州兒童三年展"總策展人,加拿大溫哥華非營利藝術機構“融空間藝術發展基金會”藝術總監。現為獨立策展人,工作居住於廣州、溫哥華兩地,沙甸鹹水埠藝術機構創始人,當代視覺藝術培訓中心創立者及教學總監,廣州美術學院外聘教師。 Professor Yang Xiaoyan is a esteem Chinese art historian, critic and curator. He currently works as professor and PhD tutor of the School of Communication and Design of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou China. He is also a visitor professor of top level fine-art academies in China such as: Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts etc, concurrently serving as PhD supervisor of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, rotating chairman of the 13th Annual Conference of Chinese Fine Art Critics, and senior art consultant of many top domestic art museums such as: Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Beijing Today Art Museum, Guangdong Museum of Fine art. Born in Guangzhou, Steven Dragonn graduated from the Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts with a BFA and he had his master degree in the Film and Multimedia Arts Department of the Université de Paris-Est, France. He was the former curator of Contemporary Art Program of Memorial Hall of Lingnan School of Painting, chief curator of Kids’ Triennial of Canton, art director of R Space in Vancouver, Canada. Now he is an independent curator, working in both Guangzhou and Vancouver, founder of Canton-sardine, founder and teaching director of Contemporary Art Edu-institute, external teacher of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art.
