豬腩肉 300 克
梅香鹹魚 60 克
薑 適量
澱粉 1 湯匙
水 1 湯匙
糖 1 茶匙
油 1/2湯匙
鹽 適量
1️⃣ 腩肉洗淨吸乾水,切成薄片,加入鹽和糖,分次加入澱粉水,再加入半湯匙油拌均勻,攤薄均勻放碟子上。
2️⃣ 梅香鹹魚煎香備用。
3️⃣ 鹹魚放腩肉面,放少許糖在鹹魚面,加入薑絲,在鹹魚面上加入少許油,水滾落鑊,大火蒸10分鐘。
📌四大竅門 :
❶ 選擇優質食材: 靚梅香鹹魚,3分肥7分瘦靚腩肉。
❷ 鹹魚要先煎香。
❸ 醃肉片要分次加入澱粉水令其嫩滑。
❹ 蒸的時間控制在8至10分鐘內,蒸過長肉片欠嫩滑。
Pork belly - 300 g
Salted fish - 60 g
Ginger - as needed
Cornstarch - 1 tablespoon
Water - 1 tablespoon
Sugar - 1 teaspoon
Oil - 1/2 tablespoon
Salt - as needed
🟢Cooking Directions:
1️⃣ Wash and dry the pork belly, cut it into thin slices, add salt and sugar, gradually add cornstarch water, and then add 1/2 tablespoon of oil, mix well, spread the pork slices evenly on a plate.
2️⃣ Fry the salted fish until fragrant.
3️⃣ Place the salted fish on top of the pork slices, add a little sugar on top of the salted fish, add ginger, and drizzle some oil over the salted fish. Steam on high heat for 10 minutes.
📌Notes for the 4 Tips:
❶ Choose high-quality ingredients: use good quality fragrant salted fish and pork belly with a fat to meat ratio of 3:7.
❷ Fry the salted fish until fragrant before steaming.
❸ Add cornstarch water to the marinated pork slices in stages to make them tender.
❹ Control the steaming time within 8-10 minutes. Over-steaming will result in tough and less tender pork slices.
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