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#4.e - Adding an LCD Display to DCC-EX

DriverDTrains 11,961 lượt xem 1 year ago
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@DriverD Trains #4.e — Adding an LCD Display to DCC-EX

Welcome to Driver D trains. Thanks for stopping by! I’m your host Driver D.

Our conductor and brakeman Scratchy-C is glad to be back on the job!


In my last video, I showed you how to configure DCC-EX to connect to your home Wi-Fi network, as well as how to add an automation in DCC-EX to turn on your track power when the command station boots. If you haven’t already seen that video, be sure to check it out!

** Configuring DCC-EX Wi-Fi **

In this video, I’ll show you how to add and configure a digital LCD display to your DCC-EX command station.

Both of these videos are part of a series on how to assemble and configure a DCC-EX Command Station to control your trains.

Videos in this series:

Part 1: #4.a - Assembling a DCC-EX Command Station
Part 2: #4.b - Installing & Configuring DCC-EX
Part 3: #4.c - Adding Wi-Fi to DCC-EX
Part 4: #4.d - Configuring DCC-EX Wi-Fi for Station Mode
Part 5: #4.e - Adding and LCD Display to DCC-EX [**This video!**]
Part 6: #4.f – Correcting the Wi-Fi Firmware for DCC-EX [**Coming soon!**]


00:00 Welcome to Driver D trains!
02:02 Adding an LCD Display to DCC-EX
03:38 Step 1 – Purchase LCD Display (& Jumper Wires if needed)
07:34 Step 2 – Connect LCD Display to Arduino
10:51 Step 3 – Configure DCC-EX for LCD Display
14:42 Step 4 – Customize DCC-EX LCD Display
20:32 Step 5 – A Case for Our DCC-EX Command Station
23:10 Step 6 – Run Some Trains!
25:34 What’s Next… Installing the Correct Wi-Fi Firmware
27:15 Thanks for watching!
27:35 Credits

Products included in this video:

GeekPi 20x4 I2C LCD Display:

Edgelec Jumper Wires 20cm Variety (120 pcs):
Elegoo Jumper Wires 20cm Variety (120 pcs):

WiThrottle App (available on the iOS App Store):

What’s next?

In the next video, I’ll show you how to upgrade or downgrade the firmware on your Wi-Fi chip to the correct version for DCC-EX.

All aboard!


DriverDTrains ©2023
