西部方面戦車隊が所在する陸上自衛隊 玖珠駐屯地で「玖珠駐屯地 開設67周年記念行事」が行われました。動画は10式戦車などが活躍した「観閲行進」と訓練展示に参加した車両の撤収・高機動車試乗など模様です。
The "67th Anniversary of the Opening of Kuju Garrison" was held at the Kuju Garrison of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces, where the Western Army Tank Unit is located. The video shows the "review march" in which the Type 10 tank and other vehicles were in action, the removal of vehicles that had participated in the training exhibition, and a test drive of a high-mobility vehicle.
#陸上自衛隊 #訓練展示 #玖珠駐屯地 #10式戦車 #AAV7 #戦車回収車 #ブラックホーク #模擬戦闘