Brighton became Brighton and Hove in 1997 and is one of the U.K’s most popular seaside towns.
The area is rich in history where King George IV in 1800’s made it famous for taking a regular summer holiday to area, using The Royal Pavilion as his residence but see if you can spot the dome tops to the palace as we pass it.
As we drive along a section of the sea front, which is accordingly to the local council 5.4 miles in length, you will spot the famous Brighton Pier as well the new @britishAirways i360 viewing platform.
We hope you enjoy the great sea view and the beach sounds where the perfect sunny weather made Brighton look even more idyllic!
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Equipment used:
- GoPro Hero 8:
- GoPro Suction Cup Mount:
- Memory Card:
- Dual Battery Charger:
- Microphone:
- Microphone Adaptor:
- Microphone cover:
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