Eine der schönsten Bahnstrecken Österreichs in Echtzeit. Von St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof bis Mariazell. Durch das Pielachtal und vorbei an den Ötschergräben. Mit Stationsinfos, km-Angaben und Telemetrie-Daten.
One of the most scenic railways in Austria. Travel with us in 4K from St. Pölten Main Station - the capital city of lower Austria - to Mariazell, which is a famous destination of many pilgrim's journeys. Enjoy the spectacular view from our cameras as well as some informations about stations and telemetry data.
To get an idea, where the train is running, check out this route: https://goo.gl/maps/o5ehYnRSjd6qeRUNA