[4K] Coldplay - Music of The Spheres Live in Jakarta 2023 - 4K60 Full Concert FanCam
Coldplay - Music of The Spheres Live in Jakarta 2023 - 4K60 Full Concert FanCam
POV from CAT 3
00:00:18 Opening
00:02:32 Higher Power
00:05:57 Adventure of a Lifetime
00:10:30 Paradise
00:15:56 The Scientist
00:21:24 Pantun dulu pinjam seratus
00:23:42 Viva La Vida
00:29:08 Hymn for the Weekend
00:33:38 Everglow dengan penonton
00:43:10 In My Place
00:47:11 Yellow
00:54:18 Human Heart
00:57:32 People of the Pride
01:01:22 Clockstrike
01:05:49 Infinity Sign
01:07:38 Something Just Like This
01:09:43 Midnight
01:11:27 My Universe
01:15:36 A Sky Full of Stars (Prank + Fireworks)
01:28:00 Sparks
01:36:26 Maliq & D'essentials - Senja Teduh Pelita
01:41:23 Humankind
01:45:46 Fix You (Fireworks)
01:53:01 Biutyful
01:57:47 Closing (Fireworks)
My Playlist :
#coldplay #musicofthespheres #musicofthespheresworldtour #coldplayconcert #coldplayinjakarta #coldplayindonesia #coldplayfans #higherpower #fixyou #askyfullofstars #yellow #vivalavida #everglow #hymnfortheweekend #sparks #biutyful #thescientist #inmyplace #adventureofalifetime #paradise #clocks #somethingjustlikethis #myuniverse #jakarta #indonesia #konser #senjateduhpelita #maliqdessentials