Exploring Winslow in Downtown Bainbridge Island, Washington USA.
Bainbridge Island is charming city located in Kitsap County, Washington. Nestled in the Puget Sound, it lies directly east of the Kitsap Peninsula and west of Seattle. The island is accessible via a scenic 35-minute ferry ride from Downtown Seattle or by crossing the Agate Pass Bridge at the north end, connecting it to the Kitsap Peninsula.
Winslow is the heart of Bainbridge Island. Originally named after shipbuilder Winslow Hall, it's the downtown area of Bainbridge Island and was once the city's original name. The main street, Winslow Way, is lined with an array of local businesses, galleries, restaurants, and bakeries. The east end of Winslow Way serves as the gateway to the rest of the island, with a ferry terminal providing service to Seattle's Colman Dock.
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📅 Recording Date: March 2024
🌤️ Weather: 56°F / 13°C | ☁️ Cloudy
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