This time, we will introduce places where you can play only in the free area of Ghibli Park.
For those who couldn't get a ticket or to kill time before entering each area!
There are many points that you can enjoy, so I would be happy if you could refer to it ♪
In Ghibli Park, there are 15 bronze objects called "Ghibli's Forgotten Items".
In "Forgotten Items", items that the Ghibli characters actually used in the movie are left on the bench. There may be places where the characters themselves are inside...?
There is no special explanation around the object.
As you explore the park, think about which movie and who forgot the item.
The shuttle bus runs in the area because the area in the Ghibli Park is very large.
It is especially recommended to use a shuttle bus, especially because there is a little distance to go to the forest.
It is a very pleasant place surrounded by nature, so please go to play with a walk ♪
0:00 Start (スタート)
0:43 "Rotanda Kazegaoka" Goods shop(ロタンダ風ヶ丘)
3:06 【Castel in the Sky】goggles, bag and lantern(【天空の城ラピュタ】ゴーグルとカバンとランタン)
4:10 Hill of Youth(青春の丘)
4:53 【Tales from Earthsea】Celiad's sword(【ゲド戦記】セリアドの剣)
6:11 【耳をすませば】猫のムーン(【Whisper of the Heart】Cat Moon)
7:42 【Porco Rosso】sky pirate dollar bag(【紅の豚】空賊のドル袋)
8:13 【耳をすませば】麦わら帽子と本(【Whisper of the Heart】straw hat and book)
9:16 【Whisper of the heart】Inside the dream of Shizuku Tsukishima(【耳をすませば】月島雫の夢の中)
9:50 【From Up on Poppy Hill】Student bag and student cap(【コクリコ坂】学生カバンと学生帽)
10:41 【Spirited Away】Stone Person(【千と千尋の神隠し】石人)
11:24 【Pompoko】Shigaraki ware raccoon figurine(【平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ】信楽焼たぬきの置物)
12:01 【My Neighbor Totoro】totoro souvenir(【となりのトトロ】トトロのお土産)
13:04 【Totoro】Mei's corn and hat(【となりのトトロ】メイのとうもろこしと帽子)
14:02 Dondoko dokoro(どんどこ処)
14:15 Japanese garden(日本庭園)
17:45 Medaka pond(めだか池)
18:36 Maple pond(かえで池)
19:57 【The Tale of the Princess Kaguya】bamboo shoots(【かぐや姫の物語】筍)
21:15 【My Neighbors the Yamadas】dad(【ホーホケキョとなりの山田くん】お父さん)
23:34 【Ponyo】Bucket and pompon boat(【崖の上のポニョ】バケツとポンポン船)
24:44 【Arrietty】Sugar Cubes and Letters(【借りぐらしのアリエッティ】角砂糖と翔からの手紙)
26:21 【Howl’s Moving Castle】Lantern lamp for directions(【ハウルの動く城】道案内のカンテラランプ)
28:02 West parking lot (西駐車場)
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Camera:DJI Pocket2 https://amzn.asia/d/0SmL3Tj
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