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[4K] Moongwang Lake walk in Chungbuk, South Korea in Autumn 충북 괴산군 문광저수지의 가을 풍경 은행나무길 걷기

Seoul Walker 43,510 4 years ago
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안녕하세요 여러분, 서울워커 입니다. 오늘은 저와 함께 충북 괴산군의 문광저수지를 함께 걸어봅시다. 촬영일자: 2020년 10월 21일(수요일) 오전 11시 날씨: 흐리고 비 🌧 기온: 12 ℃🌡 아침 7시 당신의 하루를 저의 영상과 함께 시작합시다! 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 다음 영상을 위해 구독과 좋아요, 알림 설정 부탁드립니다. 그럼 오늘도 행복한 하루 되세요! Hello my friends, I'm Nathan, Seoul Walker. Today, let's walk together at Mungwang lake in Goesan-gun, Chungbuk. Filmed: October 21, 2020 11am Weather: Cloudy and Rainy 🌧 Temperature: 12 ℃ / 53 ℉ 🌡 ► Join Seoul Walker's Channel Membership! 멤버십 가입 ► Please support me for the next better videos! The video is uploaded at 7am (⏱LA 3pm, Mexico City 5pm, NYC 6pm, São Paulo 7pm, Buenos Aires 7pm, London 11pm / Paris 12am, Roma 12am, Москва́ 1am, New Delhi 4am, Jakarta 5am, HCM 5am, Sydney 8am) in Korea time. Goesan County (Goesan-gun) is a county in North Chungcheong Province, South Korea. Sanmagi-yetgil is a 5 km (3.1 mi) road that extends from Sao-rang-maeul village (Oe-sa-ri, Chilseong-myeon, Goesan-gun, Chungbuk) to Sanmagi village in the mountains. It is a stroll path restored to resemble the traditional mountain road with a picturesque landscape. ► Google Maps: ► Naver Maps: ► Instagram: ► Contact(Business only): [email protected] ASMR, sleep asmr, stress relief, relaxing sounds, seoul street, POV, street photography, filmlook, 35mm, street photography pov, gopro8, street camera, street photographer, vlog, 3D sounds, Binaural Sound, travel guide, peaceful, wave sounds, ambience sounds, walkingtour, southkorea, seoul, 집중력 향상, 빗소리, 비내리는 소리, 우중산책, 수면음악, 힐링, 백색소음, 단풍여행지, 무량수전, 유네스코, 단풍여행, 가을여행 #walkingtour #문광저수지 #Korea
