Level name: Nhelv, creator: SrGuillester, ID: 68353244, copy pass: -
Rate: Epic, difficulty: Extreme Demon, coins: 0
Length: 2min 36s (Long), objects: 178040
Song (noNG): Silentroom - Nhelv, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbowkyPLufE, Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2gLjWQlWQm6OR5l6fHc1ZK
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Thumbnail by mystic: [link unavailable] (non-reusable without permission from mystic (Discord: mystic#8971, Twitter: https://twitter.com/xmysticgfx, VK: https://vk.com/qmystic); using thumbnail without any permission will cause a strike)
Outro by mystic
Discord: Just a GD player#1276
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JustaGDplayer
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GD account: JustaGDplay3r (Account ID: 85024120)
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⚠ This footage might have been done unlegitimately