00:00 Song Hye-kyo Q&A
01:08 New Year's wishes from Fans
01:22 Song Hye Kyo’s Tips for Overcoming Shyness
02:30 Lee Jin-uk’s Dog Handling Tips
03:53 Song Hye Kyo’s Tips for Handling Her Dog, Ruby
04:18 Jeon Yeo Been Q&A
07:49 Creating an acrostic poem
10:56 Photocall
Experience the memorable moments from the showcase of The Priests 2: Dark Nuns. Get a glimpse of the cast and crew as they share insights about the highly anticipated sequel. Don’t miss the intriguing stories behind the making of this thrilling movie!
#ThePriests2 #DarkNuns #MovieShowcase #KoreanMovies #Thriller #Mystery #CastInterview #BehindTheScenes #SpecialEvent #Cinephile #ThePriests2DarkNuns #SongHyeKyo #LeeJinUk #JeonYeoBeen #MoonWooJin #송혜교 #이진욱 #전여빈 #문우진 #검은수녀들