峨眉山猴王,普賢普薩金殿、銀殿、銅殿,神奇悠久的佛教聖地(Mount Emei, Sichuan, China)峨眉山平疇突起,巍峨、秀麗、古老、神奇。它以優美的自然風光、悠久的佛教文化、豐富的動植物资源、獨特的地质地貌而著稱於世。被人們稱之為仙山佛國、植物王國、動物樂園、地質博物館等,素有峨眉天下秀之美譽。唐代詩人李白詩曰:蜀國多仙山,峨眉邈難匹;明代詩人周洪謨贊道:三峨之秀甲天下,何須涉海尋蓬萊;當代文豪郭沫若題書峨眉山為天下名山。古往今來,峨眉山就是人們礼佛朝拜、遊覽觀光、科學考察和休閒療養的勝地。峨眉山千百年來香火旺盛、遊人不絕,永葆魅力。峨眉山千百年來香火旺盛、遊人不絕,永葆魅力。Emei Mountain is protruding from the flat, towering, beautiful, ancient and magical. It is famous for its beautiful natural scenery, long-standing Buddhist culture, rich animal and plant resources, and unique geological landforms. It is known as the fairy mountain Buddha country, the plant kingdom, the animal paradise, the geological museum, etc., and it is known as the beauty of Emei. Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, said: There are many immortal mountains in Shu, but Emei Miao is difficult to match; Zhou Hongmo, a poet in the Ming Dynasty, praised: "The beauty of the three mountains is the best in the world, why do you need to go to the sea to find Penglai? Contemporary writer Guo Moruo wrote that Emei Mountain is a famous mountain in the world. From ancient times to the present, Mount Emei has been a resort for people to worship Buddha, visit sightseeing, scientific research and leisure and recuperation. For thousands of years, Mount Emei has been full of incense and tourists, and it has always maintained its charm. For thousands of years, Mount Emei has been full of incense and tourists, and it has always maintained its charm.