動画内にある絆農祇舎神社(HNUKIA JINJA)は鳥居があるわけでもなく、
00:10 八百屋「品川」
05:08 にこにこ地蔵尊
11:01 松栄
31:24 第四峡田小学校
39:23 原稲荷神社
43:57 絆農祇舎神社(HNUKIA JINJA)
In this video, we are taking a walk in the Machiya area where Machiya Station on the Toden Arakawa Line is located.
The HNUKIA JINJA shrine (HNUKIA JINJA) in the video does not have a torii gate,
Is it a shrine? It is not a shrine?
#4khdr #walking #japan