4s 16.8v 40A BMS 18650 Li ion battery Pack - voltage balance with protection board | POWER GEN
in this video show the how-to making the 4s 16.8v 40A battery pack using 4S BMS 18650 Li-ion battery cell and voltage balance with protection board and 18650 Lithium Battery Bracket
material buy the following a link
4S 16.8v BMS Li-ion battery charger board
Banggood - http://bit.ly/36ohkWD
Amazon - https://amzn.to/2QlsjdI
18650 Lithium Battery Bracket
Banggood - http://bit.ly/2MVD8RB
Amazon - https://amzn.to/2rPZcFQ
Click the link see the more videos on the playlist
1)Monitoring & controlling project circuits - https://goo.gl/UUT2CG
2) Inverter circuits - https://goo.gl/xz33Uu
3) Chaser LED lights circuits - https://goo.gl/5aRnU4
4) DC Power supply circuits - https://goo.gl/yt4fuP
5) Remote control circuit - https://goo.gl/rJzx1d
6) LED-based circuits - https://goo.gl/pga5qh
7) Relay-based circuit - https://goo.gl/Q4r7XM
8) PIC Microcontroller project - https://goo.gl/9tNaVm
9) Relay-based circuit - https://goo.gl/J4u8BD
10) Battery controller circuits - https://goo.gl/YVHokC
11) Repair works - https://goo.gl/11uPxn
12)Transformerless power supply circuits - https://goo.gl/c9zv
13) solar System - http://bit.ly/2m0g4q6
14) Audio System - http://bit.ly/34ZSlYt
buy more material by the following a link
Power Bank -
banggood -https://www.banggood.in/custlink/GG3DI9GsHv
amazon - https://amzn.to/2LYRMZh
18650 Li-ion 3.7v battery
banggood - https://www.banggood.in/custlink/vDKv5vIpGI
Amazon - https://amzn.to/2XQsMWC
TP4056 Li-ion Battery Charging with Protection Board
Banggoog - https://www.banggood.in/custlink/KKGmCYn5QO
Amazon - https://amzn.to/2YL6bvz
DC-DC 12-35V 150W Boost Adjust Module -
banggood - https://www.banggood.in/custlink/DD3mybKH7B
amazon - https://amzn.to/31DGcYb
3S 20A Li-ion Battery 18650 Charger PCB BMS Protection Board 12.6V Cell -
Banggood - https://goo.gl/7jfnBM
Amazon - https://goo.gl/uy6YwM
LM2596 dc-dc buck converter step down module =
Amazon - https://goo.gl/pxH5AR
Banggood - https://goo.gl/eg6WSn
MINI DC 0-32V 3-Digital LED Display Volt Meter
Banggoog - https://www.banggood.in/custlink/vvDDJVCgAi
Amazon - https://amzn.to/2P6vR12
Solar LED Wall light
Banggood - https://www.banggood.in/custlink/DDDmRbsJMr
Amazon - https://goo.gl/48Kxnb
MT3608 2A dc-dc Step Up Boost Power Module =
Amazon - https://goo.gl/c4Ys6P
Banggood - https://goo.gl/pKbCHe