अच्छे-अच्छों का पैसा व सेहत खराब कर सकती है रसोई-Here are some pivotal Vastu remedies for kitchen, specifically focusing on the North, North-East, and South-West directions. In terms of the best direction for a kitchen, the South-East corner of your home is considered auspicious as it is the direction of fire. Alternatively, the North-West corner can also be suitable. However, if your kitchen is positioned in the South-West, a kitchen Vastu remedy will be required to rectify the Vastu dosh. This may involve hanging a taweez or some specific herbs, placing a silver Swastika, or even repainting the kitchen in light colors such as yellow or cream. अगर बन जाये नेगेटिव दिशा में, गैस और सिंक भी हों गलत; तो क्या करें रेमेडी? ईशान कोण में रसोई, नैऋत्य में व उत्तर में किचन, क्या हैं रेमेडीज
Moving to North kitchen Vastu, the presence of a kitchen in the North quadrant is generally not preferred as this direction is governed by the water element. To mitigate this, consider shifting your cooking stove to the South-East corner of the kitchen. For those facing difficulties with North-East kitchen Vastu, it is crucial to note that the North-East is primarily associated with divinity and wisdom. Hence, placing a kitchen here can disrupt the positive energies. A potent remedy for kitchen Vastu dosh in this scenario could be to ensure that no heavy objects or storage units are placed in the North-East section of the kitchen. Another North-East kitchen Vastu remedy includes installing a Vastu pyramid or a crystal ball to maintain the energy balance. The kitchen sink also holds importance in Vastu Shastra. Ideally, it should be placed in the North or North-East direction of the kitchen, ensuring water outlets are not close to the cooking stove. This is because fire and water elements clash, causing imbalances. If the sink is wrongly placed, Vastu remedies for the kitchen include using curtains or a small partition to separate the sink and stove. Remember, while these Vastu remedies tips for kitchen are effective, they are not substitutes for professional advice. It's beneficial to consult a Vastu expert who can assess the energy flow in your house. These home remedies and cures for kitchen Vastu, in conjunction with expert guidance, can help create a harmonious and prosperous living space. When considering a kitchen Vastu remedy, it's crucial to acknowledge that the best direction for a kitchen is South-East, but the North-West can be a viable alternative, yet using home remedies of kitchen Vastu and various Vastu remedies tips for a kitchen situated in the North or West can rectify any non-conformity; even more, for a kitchen in the South-West, understanding South-West kitchen Vastu and applying a Vastu for kitchen remedy can bring about harmony, as can employing North Kitchen remedies for North kitchen Vastu, or Vastu North East kitchen remedies, like the strategic placement of the kitchen sink, for dealing with North-East kitchen Vastu issues, thus ensuring a comprehensive remedy for kitchen Vastu dosh and promoting a balance of energies within the space.
#KitchenVastuRemedy #VastuRemediesForKitchen #VastuForKitchenRemedy #SouthWestKitchenVastu #BestDirectionForKitchen #VastuTipsForWestKitchen #HomeRemediesOfKitchenVastu #VastuRemediesTipsForKitchen #NorthKitchenVastu #BestDirectionOfKitchen #NorthKitchenRemedies #NorthEastKitchenVastu #VastuTipsForNorthKitchen #VastuForKitchenRemedies #HomeCuresOfKitchenVastu #NeKitchenVastu #VastuNorthEastKitchen #RemedyForKitchenVastuDosh #NorthEastKitchenVastuRemedies #VastuForKitchenSink
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