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ठंड में 5 जुगाड़ू बहू का गाजर का ससुराल | 5 Jugadu Daughter-In-Law Carrot House Cold | Cartoon Video

Abundance Sas Bahu Kahaniyan 55,375 lượt xem 1 month ago
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#5_Jugadu_Daughter-In-Law_Carrot_House #Cold

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Seen.Two daughters-in-law were making a roof from carrot grass, two were making a toilet, and one was making a kitchen.

Lalita... happily) Look Kavita, finally we both have prepared our durable roof.

Poem...Ha, now the storm is also in our carrot house
Will not be able to destroy the roof..It is a matter of happiness for us that we all will not have to spend this night under the open sky in this bitter cold, Jugadu is our roof over our heads.

Champa...look what a lovely kitchen I have made with these carrot pieces.

Ray.... Hey, both of us are also a little less than you three. Look, Suman and I have prepared a toilet with the help of these carrots. Now we will not have to get up in the middle of the night and defecate in the open.

Narr.All the five daughters-in-law together look at Carrot's in-laws. There was a lot of tiredness on their faces as well as satisfaction. Tears of happiness were shining from everyone's eyes.

Kiran... finally our hard work has paid off
Someone rightly said that if you do any work with full dedication, you will definitely reach your destination.

flower.. You are right Kiran, this carrot in-laws of ours is the result of our struggle and hard work.

Nar... After all, why are these five poor daughters-in-law expressing so much happiness after seeing their in-laws' Jugadu carrot house and why did they have to complete the challenge of building a carrot house in such a harsh cold weather?


Seen... The five daughters-in-law in the carrot field

Narr..where the five daughters-in-law Kiran Suman Lalit Kavita Champa are plucking carrots in the field, the crops are flourishing due to the cool breeze, there is movement of farmers in the adjacent fields.

Ray... Happy) This year, a lot of red shiny economical carrots have grown in our farm. According to me, customers will happily buy these carrots even at the rate of ₹ 40 per kg in the market.

flower... With disappointment) May God bless you with ghee and sugar rays in your mouth, because all five of us poor daughters-in-law have worked day and night to water this carrot farm in this harsh cold weather.

Champa...but like us, other people have also grown mostly carrots.

Kavita...Champa I understand your concern.
Your fear is that since most of the farmers have cultivated carrots then the price of our carrots will fall in the market and your fear is justified too but everyone is dependent on their fate.

Narr.. In this way Kavita consoles all four and then all five come to the market after filling a basket with carrots to sell.

Lalita.Take good fresh red carrots and eat them as mixed veg or carrot halwa.
Take away, good carrot ₹ 40 kg

Narr.. then a woman speaks with a frown

Woman... ₹ 40 kg, just find it cheaper, on the other hand even bigger fresh carrots are being sold ready at the rate of ₹ 20 per kg.

Lalita.Sister, for ₹ 20 a kg, we will incur loss. We have used economical fertilizers and seeds. This type of carrots will not be found anywhere else. If you want, please search the market.

Female vanity) Yes then keep your carrots with you and add pickles hmmmmm

Kusum...Hey Lalita, instead of saving carrots like this and taking them home, it is better to sell them at the rate of ₹ 20 per kg. Hey sister, come and buy them at the rate of ₹ 20 per kg only.

Nar.Similarly, all the five, shivering in the cold in the gusting winds, start returning home after selling all the carrots by the time the night market wakes up, then the weather turns bad and lightning starts to strike.

a huge storm. These walls can collapse any time. Everyone come out, Maji, let's go.

Nar.. the house becomes a mess as soon as everyone moves out.

Mother-in-law crying) Oh God, we had the only
