வீட்டில் காற்றை சுத்தம் செய்து நச்சு தன்மை நீக்கும் 5 AIR PURIFYING INDOOR PLANTS (LOW Maintenance) DDs Organic Veetu Thottam
This video is about 5 air purifying plants that help remove toxins /harmful chemicals from home. These plants can be easily taken care of and are low maintenance. This video also has sunlight/water requirements for the plants. Indoor plants included are snake plants, spider plants, aloe vera, money plant & areca palm plant. There are so many other indoor air purifying plants but these 5 are easy to care for and low maintenance. There are so many harmful chemicals inside the house that we breathe every day. Indoor air quality is poor than outdoor quality. We need to improve indoor air quality by having house plants that purify the indoor air. Even if we have lots of plants in terrace garden, home garden/ roof garden. It is a must to have indoor garden with house plants. Indoor plants improve our health.
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