A portion of this video is sponsored by Neutrogena! https://bit.ly/3uLIAgF
5 AM MORNING ROUTINE | my gym routine, spending time with friends, & shopping for nyc! hi loves! im so sorry for not posting in a while! in this video i challenge myself to wake up at 5 am, show you guys my gym routine, and show some days in my life! i hang out with friends in vancouver, attend workout classes at House Concepts, & go shopping for my trip to NYFW! i hope you enjoy:)
☆business inquiries: fernanda@select.co
☆ALL SOCIALS: @fernandaraamirez
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fernandaraamirez/
spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/225srsbp27pczoun3irtqz7lq?si=d8dba8411c194cfe
vsco: https://vsco.co/fernandaraamirez/gallery
pinterest: https://pin.it/58lz2sa
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fernandaraamirez?lang=en
☆age: 20
☆height: 5'6
☆location: Vancouver, Canada
☆camera: Canon M50
☆editing software: final cut pro x
💘💘send me a postcard! PO BOX address💘💘:
Fernanda Ramirez
i do not own any of the music used in this video
love u guys !! #5ammorningroutine #productivedayinmylife
5 am morning routine, 5 am day in my life, morning routine 2022, productive day in my life, weekend in my life, friend vlog, my gym routine, exercise routine, hanging out with my friends, friends vlog, morning in my life, spend the morning with me, spend the day with me, night routine, chill day in my life, weekly vlog, productive vlog, lifestyle YouTube, fernanda ramirez, how to be that girl, that girl morning routine, relaxing morning routine, waking up at 5 am for a week, 5 am challenge, 5 am day in my life
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