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淨念相繼──南無阿彌陀佛(5小時念佛) Continuous Thoughts of Purity──Namo Amitābha (5 hours chanting version)

香港佛光道場 66,073 5 years ago
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請隨著佛號起作意,念念專注在彌陀聖號上。 心想彌陀聖德及光明,當相應心起時, 喜悅、寧靜、安穩自然現,體證當下即淨土。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 希望您歡喜念佛,別忘了點讚,並分享給更多人,一起進入彌陀世界,走出喜悅與自在。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Engage along with chanting of the Buddha's name, every successive moments of thought concentrating on Amitābha's name. Contemplate on the Virtues and Light of the Amitābha Buddha, and when the mind gets associated with it, blissfulness, tranquility, calmness arises, realizing the Pure Land is thus present at this very moment. If you like to chant the Buddha's name, please like this video and share with others. Together we shall walk into the Amitābha Buddha's world, and come out with blissfulness and carefreeness. #南無阿彌陀佛# #阿彌陀佛# #淨土# #念佛# #Amitabha# #peaceful# #pureland# #香港佛光道場# #永富法師#
