We have compiled 5 Crucial Writing Tips from the revered novelist, Stephen King. If you’re a budding writer wanting to improve your storytelling ability, subscribe for more videos!
Stephen King is most known for writing engrossing novels such as: The Shining, Carrie, Misery, Pet Sematary, 'Salem's Lot, The Green Mile, Cujo and many others.
Tip 1: 0:31 - If you don't succeed, try again.
Tip 2: 3:43 - You have to observe.
Tip 3: 7:28 - Tell a great story. You will discover the theme along the way.
Tip 4: 10:37 - Go where the story leads you.
Tip 5: 12:26 - Get writing!
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This video was curated and edited by Joe Pettit.
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