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5 Day Water Fast--Reset the BODY

Dr. Jin W. Sung 641,530 11 months ago
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Want better health? Join my FREE holistic program 👉 Online Supplement Store 👉 Free 5-part Fasting Mini-Course Check it out here: 5 Day Water Fast--Reset the BODY SEARCH on Dr. Sung's Online Store Dr. Sung's favorite HCL/Digestive Enzymes Best Magnesium for BRAIN----Magtein Magnesium L-Threonate Dr. Sung's favorite quercetin. **No Food **Drink only water **Supplement with salt or minerals **Coffee and Tea are allowed. Dr. Jin prefer no coffee and tea. **Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Sparkling water is fine. **Can do a fast twice per year or once a month for a specific condition. Please consult your physician before embarking on any fast. Don’t fast during pregnancy or breast feeding. Menstruation-iron deficiency anemia patients. Don’t fast if you’re hypoglycemic. Don’t fast if you are a diabetic on insulin or multiple medications. Don’t fast if you have gastritis. Consult your physician. Constant eating causes the body to use primary glucose as fuel. 4 hormones assist in raising glucose and 1 decrease glucose(insulin) 4 hormones that raise glucose-Glucagon, cortisol, adrenaline, and human growth hormone. Goal is for your body to stabilize blood sugar. Metabolic flexibility-glucose and ketones Benefits: 1. Improves immune function 2. Repair of damaged tissues 3. Removes dysfunctional cells and pathogens 4. Increase Autophagy 5. Decrease autoimmune disease 6. Improves gut flora 7. Increase DNA repair 8. Reset metabolic systems and hormones 9. Self awareness of ones health and relationship to food. 10. Motivation 8-12 hours Decrease glycogen and blood glucose Increase in glucagon, cortisol, adrenaline and HGH Increase ketones from utilization of fats. Exercise early in the fast. Hunger 18 hours-24 hours **Depletion of glycogen your body will need to use fat. **Gluconeogenesis(lactate, propionate, glycerol and certain amino acids)-primarily liver and kidney **Impacting autoimmune disease. ** Up regulation of AMPK, key energy sensor, which helps stimulate autophagy **Autophagy-self eating, clean up cellular debris and pathogens in response to nutrient limitation. **Decrease in brain inflammation. Brain is a hybrid engine using glucose and ketones. **Shift in hormones. Increase in BDNF and HGH **Increase Ketones. (0.5-1.5) ** change in smell of your breath due to ketone production Day 2 **Increase HGH and BDNF, Increase in Ghrelin(hunger hormone) **Autophagy(amyloid ,Tau, Lewy Body, Alpha-Synuclein, primed glial cells) and improvement in brain clarity. **(Mitophagy) mitochondria function. **Decrease in Insulin. Insulin resistance will start to reset. Reduction of fatty liver and metabolic syndrome. **90-95% of energy comes from Ketones. **Hunger sensation usually decreases. **Ketones 1.5-3.0 ** Intestinal stem cell regeneration (GUT healing) **Take a nap Day 3 **Continued autophagy **Reversal of disease **Boost in immune function **Increase in stem cells. Cells with potential to develop into many different cells. ** Ketone 3-4 Day 4-5: **Maintenance of benefits up to Day 3 **Body learns reset points for hormones, metabolic function, immune function and gut health You can add bone broth in days 4-5. Switch to a lemon-lime fast. Setting up new baselines. Breaking the fast: MCT oil Bone broth or vegetable soup. Fermented foods Cooked vegetables Small amount of animal protein. Small portions in the first day of eating. Consider a ketogenic diet for another week. Continue healthy eating moving forward. Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions in Massachusetts, 30 minutes north of Boston. He utilizes natural and alternative therapies to help manage complex cases such as Hashimoto's, autoimmune conditions, IBS, SIBO, chronic fatigue, brain fog, early Alzheimer's, etc. Office Contact 978 688-6999 The content of this video is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician before embarking on any dietary changes or taking any nutritional supplements.
