Warning! Do not go to the builder website and register without representation! Here are just a few of the reasons why!
If you would like to do a 40 minute consultation with me, please click here.
We will do a deep dive into what you are looking for and get you on the right path no matter your purchase time frame. You will walk away with good, actionable information! Spend $99 and potentially save yourself THOUSANDS! Im even happy to give you a second opinion on your home/condo or even location choice!
For business inquiries please contact me below:
Contact me direct:
Barrett Pastor
Premiere Plus Realty
Florida Real Estate Broker Associate
For Business Inquiries please contact me at [email protected]
This Youtube channel is intended for entertainment purposes only. Channel Connect2Florida and Barrett Pastor make no representations as to the accuracy of any information on this site, contained within the videoS, or made by others in comments. This is an opinion based channel. The views represented are my own and not to be taken as advice to you personally or any form of legal advice. The use of the internet and digital methods for communications with Barrett Pastor such as e-mails, texts or phone calls does not establish a formal business relationship. This can only be done in writing and signed by all involved parties. That said, enjoy the channel and Im glad you are here!