I’ve heard all kinds of assumptions about French people via my blog and YouTube comments as well as in person. They range from stereotypical things both positive and negative to more off the wall assumptions… and many times the people saying these things have never been to France and don’t actually know many French people or anything about French culture. Go figure. Let’s put these French people myths to rest once and for all!
BLOG POST: No-BS guide on how to dress in France: https://www.ouiinfrance.com/how-to-dress-in-france-from-someone-whos-lived-here-a-decade/
👕 / / M E R C H: https://bit.ly/3wl6RZa
🇫🇷 / / MADE IN FRANCE PRODUCTS: https://www.french-address.com/?ref=kx82ahfm
🛒 / / Where to buy French grocery products in the U.S.: https://www.mypanier.com/ouiinfrance
eGuide: 75 BEGINNER FRANCE TIPS for a STANDOUT TRIP: https://bit.ly/3gzSWY5
💵 SUPPORT MY CHANNEL: http://ko-fi.com/ouiinfrance
💌 SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER (and get a FREE guide of DOs & DON'Ts for travel to France): https://bit.ly/3p790nK
📖 Get my BLOGGING FOR BEGINNERS eBOOK: https://bit.ly/2SuesFD
SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/ouiinfrance?sub_confirmation=1
How did I end up in France? My backstory: https://youtu.be/l4FKYplf2f0
Salut! I'm Diane, an American who has lived in France since 2012 and the creator of the blog/YouTube channel Oui In France. My channel's focus is "Everyday French life and beyond." I make videos on French culture topics, France vs. US culture comparisons, with a sprinkling of food, travel, and language topics and give you my thoughts about what it's like living in France as an American in the Loire Valley. Thanks for being here and if you enjoy this sort of thing, please share with friends and subscribe!
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Oui In France: https://www.ouiinfrance.com/
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