Watch me make some quick and easy Mackenzie Childs inspired DIYs from materials from Dollar Tree and Target Bullseye's Playground! Who said you had to pay hundreds of dollars for this stuff??
Amazon Posca Pens:
Dollar Tree Pearls:
Walmart Gorilla Glue Sticks:
Dollar Tree Puffy Metallic Stickers:
Amazon Tzarrot Fine Point Paint Markers:
Walmart Talenti Gelato (save the jar!):
Walmart Waverly Ink Chalk Paint:
Mackenzie Childs Check Pattern with Flowers:
Walmart Mod Podge:
Amazon Narrow Black Gingham Ribbon:
Mackenzie Childs Blue Check Circles (save & print the image):
Mackenzie Childs Small Check Pattern (save & print the image):
Michaels ArtMinds White Chalk Paint:
Walmart Black & White Polka Dot Napkins:
Target Handmade Modern Silver Marker (part of this set):
Materials for Mackenzie Childs Mini Jars
From Amazon: Posca Pens in black, red and white
From Dollar Tree: Gold paint marker, Wide washi tape in white with gold dots and black with white dots, glass salt & pepper shakers (lids only), faux pearls, round tins, puffy metallic stickers
From Target Bullseyes Playground: Mini ceramic planters in white with black grid and black with white polka dots
From Walmart: Gorilla Hot Glue Sticks
Other: Bottle cap coasters
Tools: Scissors, hot glue gun
Materials for Mackenzie Childs Mini Tins
From Amazon: Posca Pens in black, red & white, Tzarrot Fine Point Paint Markers
From Dollar Tree: Round tins, puffy metallic stickers
From Michael's: Jolee's Boutique Sunflower Sticker
From Target Bullseye's Playground: White tape with black grid
Tools: Scissors
Materials for Mackenzie Childs Jar
From Amazon: Narrow black & white gingham ribbon
From Dollar Tree: Poppy, glue stick
From Walmart: Waverly Ink Chalk Paint, Mod Podge, Gorilla Hot Glue Sticks
Printed from Internet: Mackenzie Childs check pattern with flowers, Mackenzie Childs small check pattern
Recycled: Talenti Gelato jar
Tools: Computer with printer, makeup sponge, scissors, foam brush, wire cutters, hot glue gun
Materials for Mackenzie Childs Plate
From Amazon: Posca Pens in black and white
From Dollar Tree: Glue stick
From Michaels: ArtMinds White Chalk Paint
From Target: Handmade Modern Silver Marker
From Walmart: Black & white polka dot napkin
Other: Square plastic plate
Tools: Makeup sponge, scissors, pencil