Vocals are the star of the song. Discover 5 mix tricks to give your vocal recordings the star power they deserve. Learn more: https://link.waves.com/17sfk
In this video, Bradley Denniston breaks down 5 must have vocal production techniques using Waves
plugins. Armed with these must have mix tricks, draw your listeners in closer to your music with
modern, attention grabbing vocals.
Video Chapters:
0:06 Intro
0:26 Technique 1: creating vocal doubles with doubler 2
2:43 Technique 2: Vocal Spot harmonies using Waves Harmony
5:00 Technique 3: widening and thickening your lead vocal
7:09 Technique 4: Vocal sweetening, widening, and depth
9:05 Vocal mixing “Secret sauce”
10:25 Technique 5: Vocal effects “creating moments” with your vocal effects
Check out Waves Creative Access Ultimate to get instant access to the plugins featured in this video
along with every plugin Waves has to offer: https://link.waves.com/v3zim
Also, check out our plugins designed specifically for delivering outstanding vocal mixes:
Try the plugins featured in this video:
Doubler: https://link.waves.com/pj517
Waves Harmony: https://link.waves.com/fhf4g
Manny Marroquin EQ: https://link.waves.com/90b40
REQ: https://link.waves.com/fjsf0
S1 Imager: https://link.waves.com/em2jo
CLA Vocals: https://link.waves.com/s8nj1
Rverb: https://link.waves.com/4r7rg
H-Delay: https://link.waves.com/4391f
Vocal Bender: https://link.waves.com/43asp
Waves Creative Access: https://link.waves.com/h4slg
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