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Today, we're uncovering one of the most misunderstood parts of the tennis serve: Body Rotation. And until you understand how to properly use rotation on your serve - loading away and rotating it... Chances are, you’re missing out on a huge potential power source on your serve.
So in this video, let's cover the 5 common serve rotation mistakes that often sap power from players’ serves.
John Yandell Serve Hip & Shoulder Rotation: https://www.tennisplayer.net/members/avancedtennis/john_yandell/sampras_serve/sampras_serve_hip_and_shoulder_rotation/
Brian Gordon Serve Backswing: https://www.tennisplayer.net/membership/protect/new-rewrite?f=3&url=/members/biomechanics/brian_gordon/the_backswing_part_1/the_backswing_part_1.html&host=www.tennisplayer.net&ssl=on
0:00 The Mystery of Body Rotation
0:43 Mistake #1 - Not Rotating Away Enough
1:39 Mistake #2 - Too Extreme Of A Stance
3:34 2 Types of Rotation on the Serve
6:33 Mistake #3 - Overactive Upper Body
7:31 Mistake #4 - Over-Rotation
8:30 Mistake #5 - Staying Sideways
9:05 How To Rotate While Staying Balanced
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