This time, we introduce four teppanyaki restaurants in the hotel. Why don't you dine at these restaurants for a special occasion, such as an occasion to dine with your loved ones or as a reward for yourself?✨
The timetable for each restaurant and the URL for the full-length video are included in the overview section.Please check there as well.
This channel is run by a meat-loving Japanese man who wants to spread Japanese wagyu beef to the world. We hope you enjoy our videos. Any comments would be very much appreciated! I will reply!Also, please subscribe to the channel.
0:26 Teppanyaki Ebisu / The Westin Tokyo
15:37 Teppan-yaki Ginko / Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba
30:31 Teppan-yaki Sazanka / The Okura Tokyo
42:38 Teppan-yaki Nakotei / Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel 18F