50 Affirmation powerful Positive for clear glowing healthy beautiful skin #AFFIRMATIONS GET RID OF ALL SKIN PROBLEMS 30 DAYS BEAUTY AFFIRMATIONS CHALLENGE
#Beautyaffirmations #affirmationsclearskin #healthyskin #glowingskin #clearskin #glowingskinwithlawofattraction #beauty affirmations #beautyaffirmation #clearskinaffirmations #beauty #50affirmations #50beautyaffirmations
Hello Everyone
Mu name is Apoorva and today I am sharing 50 beauty affirmations to get glowing healthy skin no matter what skin problem you have ,these affirmations will help you to get rid of all skin problems.
If you have, skin problem such as,
Acne, black spots or dark spots, blemishes, etc
Beauty affirmations will make you beautiful, no matter how you are now.
Who does not want to be beautiful? We all do. Unfortunately we don’t realise that we all are indeed beautiful from the inside but our real beauty is covered with the dust and grime of wrong thoughts, wrong deeds, bad life experiences and such things. Our mind needs a cleansing so that the real inner beauty comes out and we become beautiful externally also. Beauty affirmations is the soap that does this cleansing.
Thank you so much for your love and support
I am truly grateful
Love you all
Thank you again
Universe has your back
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My Instagram-apoorva_sharma001
The secret Book link-https://www.amazon.in/Secret-Rhonda-Byrne/dp/1847370292
How the Secret changed my Life- https://www.amazon.in/How-Secret-Changed-My-Life/dp/1471158195/ref=sr_1_3?crid=34GBFMDKCCT4R&dchild=1&keywords=how+the+secret+changed+my+life&qid=1601309937&s=books&sprefix=how+the+%2Cstripbooks%2C924&sr=1-3
The secret movie- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPElOpHKQ-A
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1. My skin is clear and radiant
2. My skin is healthy and balanced
3. I have glowing and radiant skin
4. My skin is beautiful and I love it
5. I take good care of my skin and my skin is happy
6. My skin feels supple and smooth
7. I eat healthy food that is good for my skin
8. Every day I to send love to my skin
9. I treat my skin gently and with love
10. My skin is smooth, soft and healthy
11. My beautiful skin is blemish-free
12. People quickly notice my glowing skin
13. My skin heals blemishes and irritations with ease and grace
14. I have naturally healthy and balanced skin
15. My skin is naturally healthy and unblemished
16. I completely love my skin no matter what
17. My skin gets clearer every day
18. I accept my skin for exactly how it is with no judgment
19. I love my skin and I appreciate how healthy it is
20. My skin is healthy and supple
21. I am grateful for the time I have lived to acquire my lovely wrinkles
22. My skin takes care of me and I take care of it
23. My skin is a reflection of who I am and I am good
24. I love my skin and don’t want anybody else’s
25. My wrinkles and fine lines show my wisdom and strength
26. My skin is healing and healthy
27. I love my skin, it is my best friend and I treat it with care and respect
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