Junkyard Joust all about crashing Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning, Maisto, Matchbox Cars, Majorette, and Auto World diecast cars together like we all did when we were younger. Except now it's a competitive sport!
• SUBSCRIBE (HIT THE BELL): https://www.youtube.com/user/JunkyardJoust
• JUNKYARD DISCORD (and free betting): https://discord.gg/pZSrTbT
AARON YONDA: http://aaronyonda.com
Gaming and comedy: http://youtube.com/GameSocietyPimps
Beer and Board Games, Chad Vader, and more: http://youtube.com/blamesocietyfilms
Livestreams: http://twitch.tv/GameSocietyPimps
• Celebrity Impressions: JASON STEPHENS https://www.jasonsvoices.com/
• Editing and sfx: JESSE GLASNER
• Scoring, Team, and Elimination Graphics
AJ ROTTINI: https://ajrottini.cool/
• VO, Main Show Logo and Team Logos
TONY MAYER: https://www.iknowtonymayer.com/
• Background Print
Team Intro 0:33
Round One 2:03
Round Two 16:53
Round Three 24:02
If you like 1/64 diecast racing or 3dbotmaker I think you'll enjoy Junkyard Joust. This channel is all about crashing Hot Wheels, RLC, Johnny Lightning, Maisto, Matchbox Cars, Majorette, and Auto World cars together like you did when you were younger. You might like this if you like Jelle's Marble Racing or Gravity Throttle racing
©2025 Aaron Yonda
#diecastdemolitionderby #hotwheels #customdiecast #diecastracing #adultdiecastracing #nascarcrashes #hotwheelscollection