50 Linux Interview Questions & Answers For Beginners
In this video I am covering 50 Linux Interview Questions And Answers for Absolute Beginners. These questions are vital to prepare for an interview in any of the following job roles:
Linux Administrator
Systems Administrator
DevOps Engineer
Cloud Engineer
Site Reliability Engineer
Questions covered in this video:
1. Why Linux is called open source? What does it signify?
2. What is kernel in Linux?
3. Why is Linux considered to be more secure as compared to other Operating Systems?
4. Explain Linux Boot process.
5. What are run levels?
6. Difference between sudo su - and sudo su.
7. What is shell in Linux?
8. What is a filesystem in Linux?
9. How do you view the contents of a file page by page?
10. How can you check the current list of local users on a system?
11. How to check free disk space on a system?
12. What are file permissions in Linux and what is rwx?
13. What is the umask command?
14. How to modify attributes of an existing user?
15. How to copy a directory?
16. How do you check open ports?
17. Which directory stores all the log files on a system?
18. What is the difference between su and sudo?
19. How to undo a yum install on RHEL or CentOS?
20. What are some system performance monitoring commands?
21. How to investigate and troubleshoot an issue if the system is very
22. How do you schedule a script (cron jobs) to run automatically at 11 PM everyday?
23. How to check if a remote server is reachable or not?
24. A user cannot access a file. How would you check and fix the permissions?
25. You need to change the user and group ownership of a file to another user and group. How would you do this?
26. How would you troubleshoot low disk space issue on a system?
27. How to grant sudo access to a user?
28. How to delete files and directories?
29. What is chmod 755 permissions in Linux?
30. How to move or rename files?
31. What is sed command? Give an example.
32. Where is local user passwords stored in Linux?
33. How to lock and unlock a user account?
34. What is a sticky bit in Linux?
PDF for Question No: 34
35. How to find which process is using a port?
36. How to mount a filesystem in Linux?
37. How to check disk usage of a directory?
38. In which file do you permanently mount a disk in Linux?
39. How to search for error or failure logs in a log file?
40. How to secure SSH access on a Linux system?
41. How to check authentication logs?
42. How to check files opened by a process?
43. Where can we check default DNS nameservers in Linux?
44. Why do we use -r flag while deleting the user?
45. How can you monitor live system logs in Linux?
46. A user is trying to execute a script (./script.sh) that he created and receives the following message: bash: ./script.sh: permission Denied
How to fix it?
47. How to create a new local user group and add local users to it?
48. Is Linux OS virus free?
49. How to extend the size of a FileSystem in Linux?
50. How to find something on a Linux machine?
Download Video PPT: https://github.com/bhavukm/Linux-For-DevOps-Crash-Course/blob/master/50%20Linux%20Interview%20Questions%20And%20Answers%20For%20Absolute%20Beginners.pdf
DevOps Interview Questions & Answers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwkjeLjcn3Rx39L8nl5_4SPaIgJHO_tEQ
AWS For DevOps Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwkjeLjcn3Rz41gLBiv61Ncg-MwYujhyR
DevOps Fundamentals: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwkjeLjcn3Rx2avwHvxXWer-Rka59vk84
Linux For DevOps Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwkjeLjcn3RxF57ert4U8Oenku6R1dn0d
Learn about OSI Networking Model: https://youtu.be/T7GgjxShRT4
Basics Of Linux Networking: https://youtu.be/yXHjuuIFxxs
AWS Storage And Backup Basics: https://youtu.be/JHxgtyykr4A
Linux SSH Basics: https://youtu.be/aj27wXXEogU
How To Get Your First DevOps Job: https://youtu.be/NIR2tZ-BVL4
How To Get Your First AWS Job: https://youtu.be/ZFq23KLgSmA
Path to First Linux Job: https://youtu.be/gQNYGUR2h1Q
How To Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwkjeLjcn3RzCSmDnwJs7X0XKdo01I7Vv
Music: https://www.bensound.com
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