What I Want in THE FINALS Season 6
What Needs To Be Added in THE FINALS Season 6
I play unheard of and unplayed games on Steam with little or no reviews. I ENJOY MAKING MEME CONTENT. My goal is to make watching my videos hilarious and unpredictable. Most games are duds and the editing is challenging to make it exciting, but ever once in a while I find unique, hidden gems with 0 reviews.
If you’re curious about under-the-radar games, and want to see how much fun (or not fun) they can actually be, this is the perfect channel for you!
Music track: stroll by massobeats
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
No Copyright Background Music
Music track: daydream by massobeats
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
No Copyright Background Music
Music track: lush by massobeats
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
No Copyright Background Music
Music track: serenity by massobeats
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
No Copyright Background Music
Music track: mango tea by massobeats
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
No Copyright Background Music
Music track: lucid by massobeats
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
No Copyright Background Music
Music track: gift by massobeats
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
No Copyright Background Music
Music track: warmth by massobeats
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
No Copyright Background Music
Music track: gingersweet by massobeats
Source: https://freetouse.com/music
No Copyright Background Music
@thespiffingbrit @IronPineapple @videogamedunkey @LetsGameItOut @StimpeeYT @SMii7Y @VanossGaming @bizlychannelYT @TheRussianBadger @ThroatYT @TheStellarJay @martincitopants @Woolie @RTGame @GameGrumps @jackfrags @GrayStillPlays @OneyPlays @markiplier @jacksepticeye @coolmanvan @gupp@theonlyzanny @CHRBRG @SovietWomble @Criken @BedBananas @DaveDotEXE
▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 - Intro
0:31 - Riot shield / swords reduce melee and fire damage
1:08 - Counter winches, stun, etc with punches.
1:57 - Reduce lockbolt health
2:17 - Light can heal
2:38 - Goo mine
2:43 - Chat for consoles and global chat
3:05 - Stamina meter for throwing knives
3:27 - Bigger powershift platform with cover
4:24 - More game modes
4:43 - Shipment from COD
4:54 - Online status
5:14 - Skill Based Match Making
5:31 - Smoke respawn rate
5:50 - Show enemy loadout
6:11 - Sights
6:50 - Reduce recoil on automatic guns
7:19 - Fix vaulting
7:55 - Make respawn confirmation
8:13 - Do more while stealing cashout
9:07 - Better punches
9:20 - No console auto-aim
9:38 - ADD SORRY
9:52 - Make gas clear faster
10:24 - Make APS stronger for launchers
10:54 - MGL alternate attack
11:54 - Turn off cashout music
12:05 - Improve fire barrels
12:51 - FIX GOO!
13:31 - Add free for all
13:38 - Allow map voting
13:58 - Add ziplines and bounce pads to Kyoto
14:08 - Throw flamethrower canister
14:23 - Alternative fire modes
14:34 - Allow barricades wall phasing
15:00 - spawn equal distance to both cashouts
15:46 - Fix bug to see enemies all the time
16:03 - Sponsor cosmetic tech tree
16:55 - Activities while loading
17:22 - Fix loading lag from having friends
17:38 - Buff gun / grenade
18:16 - Private games: Can't pick teams
18:48 - Private games: Match still in progress...
19:17 - Private games: Allow switching modes
19:45 - Private games: Allow large lobbies
20:06 - Private games: Improve spectating
20:38 - Private games: Prepare second private game
21:02 - Make TDM permanent
21:13 - Release maps with all features
21:31 - Private games: Forced custom loadouts
22:10 - Add mini objectives in TDM
22:34 - Tell me what you think