Video Text Translation
Everyone watching this video, be sure to visit Abashiri City in Hokkaido!
Enjoy delicious scallops and salmon roe rice bowls!”
Purpose of Serving These Dishes in the Student Cafeteria:
The fisheries and seafood processing industries in Abashiri are supported by many student part-timers from Tokyo University of Agriculture. To express our gratitude to the students, faculty, and staff who contribute to the development of the city’s industries, seafood-related organizations in the city have collaborated to provide ingredients for the student cafeteria.
Ingredients Provided
•Frozen Scallop Adductor Muscles (Abashiri Fisheries Cooperative
•Simmered Smelt in Soy Sauce (West Abashiri Fisheries Cooperative
•Soy Sauce Marinated Salmon Roe (Abashiri City)
#学食 美味しい