$500,000 MOVIE DEAL PRANK!!!
Yo Guys! Thanks for watching the video! Make sure you go
and follow Jonah's YOUTUBE CHANNEL and his series "Road to Comedy" ►https://youtu.be/5VdyQDPhQ88
Jason and Trisha Hawaii vlog ►https://youtu.be/sacf0vyiMSI
David shoots me with a painball gun► https://youtu.be/JwYwiX4Qig0
Valentine's Day Helicopter vlog ►https://youtu.be/sacf0vyiMSI
Reacting to Our Best Moments ► https://youtu.be/c6LqOYBNqE8
NASH MERCH ►http://tinyurl.com/ychbpt4d
VIEWS PODCAST ►http://tinyurl.com/lp4d47
JASON AND TRISHA PLAYLIST►https://tinyurl.com/y8fle7mg JASON AND DAVID PLAYLIST►https://tinyurl.com/y9jeamaj
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SNAPCHAT ►@Jason23nash
Special thanks to my friends who appeared in this video
@LizaKoshy & @LizaKoshySnaps
@VanillaDingDong & @imnotscottysire
@ItsJoshPeck @shuapeck (snap) @JoshuaPeck
@Eringilfoy @Goddess_Eriu
@BigNik & @RealBigNik (on IG)