#廣州 #大灣區 #粵菜
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZP3TmPppWtW9JSvg9
餐廳消費:一帆風順富貴船 ¥56,蒜香骨 ¥53,明記黃金炒飯 ¥32
於1993年奠基,原定1996年完工,規劃建造58層辦公大樓,為海珠區最高的標誌性建築。由於其地點被認為不夠旺市,因此無買主過問,樓底幾層商舖同樣難以出租出售,蓋至地面29層後因資金問題停工。 1995年,該樓其中一位合作老闆在此跳樓自殺。 2002年,該棟大樓被香港中國置地集團買下,改名為保華廣場。上海世紀聯華公司曾與置地集團合作,在保華廣場開出了其在華南的第一家世紀聯華超市門市,同時保華廣場1~5樓也被裝修用於招租。 2006年,因超市經營不夠理想,門市宣布關閉,其裙樓也同時宣告關閉。 2008年,廣州江南房產有限公司購入此建築,並於2010年建成更為現名。
Changgang Road is located in Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China. It is a main road running east-west.
It starts from the Pearl River in the west and is called Changgang West Road to Industrial Avenue; it is called Changgang Middle Road to the east to Jiangnan Avenue; it is called Changgang East Road to the east to Xingang West Road. It is 3,100 meters long and 40 meters wide. It was named Nanchang Road because it crosses Nanchanggang. In 1981, it was renamed Changgang Road to avoid the same name as Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province.
Dabo International Center, formerly known as Baohua Plaza and Hong Kong and Macao Jiangnan Center, is a skyscraper located at No. 362 Jiangnan Avenue South, Haizhu District, Guangzhou. It is 208 meters high, with a total of 51 floors, covering an area of 10,603 square meters and a total construction area of 115,402 square meters.
1 building with 49 floors, a large fashion shopping center is on the negative 1st to 5th floors, office buildings are arranged on the 6th to 28th floors, 29th to 44th floors are international apartments, and 45th to 49th floors are five-star hotels.
The foundation stone was laid in 1993 and the construction was originally scheduled to be completed in 1996. It was planned to build a 58-story office building, which is the tallest landmark building in Haizhu District. Because its location was considered not prosperous enough, no buyers were interested, and the shops on the bottom floors were also difficult to rent and sell. After the 29th floor was built, the construction was stopped due to funding problems. In 1995, one of the co-owners of the building committed suicide by jumping off the building. In 2002, the building was bought by Hong Kong China Land Group and renamed Baohua Plaza. Shanghai Century Lianhua Company once cooperated with Land Group to open its first Century Lianhua supermarket store in South China in Baohua Plaza. At the same time, the 1st to 5th floors of Baohua Plaza were also renovated for leasing. In 2006, due to the unsatisfactory business of the supermarket, the store was announced to be closed, and its podium was also announced to be closed at the same time. In 2008, Guangzhou Jiangnan Real Estate Co., Ltd. purchased the building and completed it in 2010 and changed its name to its current name.
★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★
★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★
★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★
★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★
00:00 Intro
00:51 廣州海珠區昌崗地鐵站/五星級飯店推薦/49樓靚景飯店
06:01 老牌粵菜酒樓/明記海鮮城/讀餐牌時間
13:15 一帆風順富貴船/蒜香骨/明記黃金炒飯
24:25 週邊商場粵劇表演/週邊美食推薦
33:18 細崗路小食夜市/炒冰/糯米飯/豬紅湯
40:10 細崗市場買菜
44:56 Ending
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