In this video I will show you how to make your own ash glaze. And it's actually a very special ash glaze - because I will be using the left over ashes I get from pitfire.
I will show you everything from cleaning and filtering af ash, how to mix the glaze, adjust it, glazing your pots, fire them and how it all ends up.
The recipe I use in this video is:
1/3 Ash (575g )
1/3 Nepheline Syenite
1/3 Quartz
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00:00 Welcome
00:33 Making your own pottery glazes - and ash glazes
00:51 Using pitfire ashes for ash glazes
01:58 Cleaning up and filter the ashes
02:20 Recipes for mixing ash glazes
03:20 Safety: Wear mask, protection glases and gloves
04:38 Siev the ashes
10:52 Maxing the ash glase elements
15:23 Adjusting Specific Gravity and filtering the finished glaze
20:10 How to measure the Specific Gravity of your glaze
27:08 Using the new pitfire ash glaze - mixed with other glazes
35:28 Loading and fire the pottery kiln
36:16 Two days later - unloading the kiln
43:46 Comments on the results of the pitfire ash glaze
45:35 Photos and comments to all the glazed bowls