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52 Weeks | WK8 | Feb22-2025

Bamsitevideos 53 1 week ago
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WEEK 8 | 52 Weeks Of Reaper #Reaper #reaperDAW #DAW #TheREAPERdaw #WEEK1 #music #musicproductionlife #vst #comping Time Stamps 0:00 Intro 0:08 Today's Topic" COMPING 0:29 IMPORTANT TERMS TO KNOW 0:57 Demo music preview 1:53 Tracks, Items & Takes, 2:26 Comping Method 1 Items & Takes 4:30 Saving Comps 7:07 Take ranking 11:07 Locking comp selections 12:26 crop to active take 13:13 Ranking system settings 14:55 Comping method 2 15:38 Exploding "Takes" to "Lanes" 16:29 Swipe comping 17:47 Collapse & continue comping 19:14 Midi comping 20:53 Final Thoughts Ranking Settings
