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#55 【日本刀専門店 銀座長州屋】邪馬台国論争に一石! 五尺刀発見か?

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#日本刀 #日本刀販売品 #日本刀銀座 #日本刀東京 #邪馬台国 #卑弥呼 #三国志 #魏志倭人伝  日本刀専門店 銀座長州屋 提供 卑弥呼が魏の皇帝より親魏倭王の金印と共に下賜された五尺刀。 我国最古の鉄刀の記録としてしられています。魏志倭人伝に記された この貴重な五尺刀が目の前に!? そんなばかな・・・驚愕の事実に震える撮影スタッフとアシスタント・・・ 皆さんはどう判断されますか? 邪馬台国論争に一石を投じる新たな視点! お見逃しなく! 株式会社 銀座長州屋 解説 深海信彦 アシスタント 今津 編集 今津 寺尾 # 40 【追悼】吉原國家師 ご逝去 大太刀國家鍛造秘話 The five-shaku sword bestowed upon Himiko by the Emperor of Wei, along with the golden seal of the Qin-Wei-Wa King. This is known as the record of the oldest iron sword in our country. Could this precious five-shaku sword, recorded in the "Account of the Wa People" in the Wei Chronicles, really be right in front of us!? No way... The filming staff and assistants tremble at this astonishing fact... What do you all think? A new perspective that adds a twist to the Yamatai-koku controversy! Don't miss it! Notes: Himiko (卑弥呼): A shamanistic queen of ancient Japan, who is recorded in the Chinese history text "Records of the Three Kingdoms". Five-shaku sword: A shaku is a traditional Japanese unit of length, roughly 30 cm. So a five-shaku sword would be about 150 cm long. Qin-Wei-Wa King (親魏倭王): A title given to the ruler of Wa (ancient Japan) by the Wei dynasty of China. "Account of the Wa People" in the Wei Chronicles: A section in the Chinese history text "Records of the Three Kingdoms" that describes the people and society of ancient Japan. Yamatai-koku controversy: A debate among historians about the location of the ancient Japanese kingdom of Yamatai, which was ruled by Queen Himiko according to the Chinese records. #JapaneseSwords #Katana #Samurai #JapaneseHistory #JapaneseCulture #JapaneseArt #JapaneseCraftsmanship #SwordCollectors
