令和5年9月2日 丹内山神社例大祭
This video is a dedication performance at the Tannai-san Shrine's annual festival.
The lion danceKanatsu-ryu Shishi-odori(dance) is recorded from 3'34.
The Kanatsu-ryu Shishi-odori(dance) was originally passed down in the Yanagawa area of Esashi during the Bunsei Era (1818-1830), and was later transmitted to Ukita, then to Kurasawa, and finally to Tannai, where it has been performed for three generations as a Shinto ritual art at the Tannai-san Shrine(*1). In 1977, the dance was revived under the guidance of a teacher in Yanagawa.
It is often referred to as "Shishi-odori," a first-rate school of deer dance widely practiced in southern Iwate and northern Miyagi prefectures, in which the dancers wear deer antlers, carry a yorishiro(*2) called "Sasara" on their backs, and dance while beating a drum attached to their waists. It has also been handed down as a Shinto ritual performance dedicated to the annual festivals of shrines.
Kanatsu-ryu Shishi-odori is one of the most sophisticated styles of Shishi Odori in terms of dance and costumes, and the rituals involved in its transmission are strictly observed in accordance with tradition.
(*2)"yorisiro" means the object or entity through which a divine spirit or deity is believed to manifest or dwell.
(*)The Tannai-san Shrine: https://maps.app.goo.gl/iovd4ZrcFYDT5mpW6
#丹内,#金津流,#獅子躍,#ししおどり,#パワースポット,#礼庭,#鹿踊,#伝承,#こども神樂,#しんがく,#Iwate, #Morioka, #Hanamaki, #Towa, #Taninai, #Traditional performing arts, #Shrine