@DriverD Trains #5.a – An Introduction to JMRI
Welcome to Driver D Trains. Thanks for stopping by! I’m your host Driver D.
Our conductor and brakeman Scratchy-C, is busy working a derailment.
Recently I completed a series of videos on how to assemble and configure a basic DCC-EX command station to run our trains. If you haven’t already seen those videos, be sure to check them out!
In this video, the first in a series, I will introduce you to the basics of JMRI, the Java Model Railroad Interface. I’ll provide a broad overview of how JMRI is organized, and show you some examples of how we can use JMRI with DCC-EX, to program our locomotives and control our trains.
This initial series of videos will focus on JMRI’s DecoderPro app, and throttles for controlling our trains. I’ll come back to the PanelPro app and turnout control later.
Be sure to check this video’s description for links to the other videos in the series, as well as the various websites and products I mention here. Also, if you are enjoying the videos, please leave a comment, and hit the ‘Like’ button.
We’ve got freight to move so let’s get this train rolling.
00:00 Welcome to Driver D trains!
02:24 An Introduction to JMRI
02:35 Part 1 – The Java Model Railroad Interface (a Brief History)
15:04 Part 2 – Why JMRI?
21:20 Part 3 – The DecoderPro App
26:23 Part 4 – JMRI Throttles
32:19 Part 5 – Run Some Trains!
33:45 What’s Next: Installing & Configuring JMRI
35:15 Credits
Videos in this series:
Part 1: #5.a - An Introduction to JMRI [this video]
Part 2: #5.b - Install & Configure JMRI DecoderPro https://youtu.be/zjXvfgwNuiI
Part 3: #5.c - Using & Customizing JMRI Throttles https://youtu.be/jA9dzhD2dNY
Part 4: #5.d - Using WiThrottle and Engine Driver with JMRI & DCC-EX https://youtu.be/YpC7I19j-KE
Videos in my DCC-EX series:
Part 1: #4.a - Assembling a DCC-EX Command Station https://youtube.com/video/HatlU7A5S5s
Part 2: #4.b - Installing & Configuring DCC-EX https://youtube.com/video/jv_xfwLZJd8
Part 3: #4.c - Adding Wi-Fi to DCC-EX https://youtu.be/B08Qo0az-nI
Part 4: #4.d - Configuring DCC-EX Wi-Fi for Station Mode https://youtu.be/4pT273C0ozM
Part 5: #4.e - Adding and LCD Display to DCC-EX https://youtu.be/YmPgOU1dxrk
Part 6: #4.f – Correcting the Wi-Fi Firmware for DCC-EX https://youtu.be/gzbW55aBBkE
Supercut: #4.sc – Assemble a DCC-EX Command Station https://youtu.be/Y_CRBRqAKJ0
Bonus Materials: #4.x – DCC-EX Series Bonus Materials https://youtu.be/DxZhLXnBv68
YouTube Channels Featured in This Video:
SoCal Scale Models: https://www.youtube.com/@socalscalemodels
Products Mentioned in This Video:
JMRI: https://www.jmri.org
DCC-EX: https://www.dcc-ex.com
Mark Gurries DCC homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/markgurries/dcc-welcome-page
Model Railroader Mark Gurries tribute: https://www.trains.com/mrr/news-reviews/news/in-memoriam-mark-gurries/
What’s next?
In my next video, I will show you how to install and configure JMRI, along with the Java Runtime Environment it needs to function. We’ll also take a first look at how to use DecoderPro to program our locomotives, and customize JMRI throttles. After that we’ll look at some of the JMRI features specifically designed for DCC-EX, and how to use them.
We’ll also look at how to use the WiThrottle and Engine Driver apps with JMRI and DCC-EX to run our trains. And we’ll look at some of the different kinds of hardware throttles we can use with JMRI and DCC-EX together.
I told you there was a lot to cover. We’ve got 100 freight cars or more on this train, and we’ve only inspected the first one. So check all the brakes and the air hoses, watch for sagging couplers, and make sure there are no flat spots on the wheels. And I’ll meet you at the next one.
Until then…
Thanks for watching!
All aboard!
DriverDTrains ©2024