What does it take to get a CS PhD diploma?
Is it an easy 5-year duty?
How is the pay for a CS PhD student?
Is it frustrating or tiring?
Is it easy to get permanent residency(i.e., green card such as EB-1) with a PhD degree?
What does PhD graduates do after graduation?
在美國讀博是歲月靜好的5年嗎|博士工資福利|傑出人才綠卡|CS PhD|計算機博士日常| H-index|讀博體驗|畢業標準|心路歷程|top tier conference頂會
在美國讀博是歲月靜好的5年嗎? 工資福利怎麼樣? 計算機博士心累嗎? 好拿傑出人才綠卡嗎? 畢業后都去幹什麼了?