खुल जा सिम-सिम, और रेमेडीज का पिटारा खुल गया. Yes, very easy doing Vastu remedies for toilet and Vastu for kitchen remedy along with Vastu remedy for master bedroom also. So, Vastu remedy for children bedroom as well as Vastu remedy for pooja room are also needed to know in next youtube video in Hindi by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj, Vastu consultant. Therefore, Vastu for toilet remedy to be done like Vaastu remedies for all negative toilet, toilet seat which may be east facing and Vastu remedies of kitchen. The Vastu remedy for kitchen in north or in north-east is told here Vastu remedy for kitchen in north east is among the top priorities when it comes the question of doing remedies. एक फ्री की रेमेडी-6 सीरियस वास्तु दोषों का सफाया- जड़ से & अब भटको नहीं, समझो रेमेडीज/ उपचार/ इलाज को जो है वास्तु दोषों के बारे में My dear youtube viewers I am going to explain you Vastu remedies for toilet when it is made in the directions of east NE and N because these directions are not good for the toilet or bathroom which is also called the washroom. The Vastu remedy for master bedroom are very much common because they are needed to be done with the help of simple Vastu remedies in which no need to spend any much amount and no need to do any demolition. Dr. Anand Bhardwaj the most famous Vastu consultant is known for doing Vastu corrections without demolition in which you need not to demolish anything and no need to construct anything and all the Vastu effects can be rectified with the help of very small Vastu remedies. These Vastu cures include many things and Vastu remedies of kitchen are done with the help of sea salt and Vastu remedy for kitchen in north is also done with the same method because the sea salt is very good negativity absorber and if you want to get the benefit of positive food cooked in your kitchen then you will have to remove any negative vibrations from the kitchen as per Vastu shastra and Dr. Anand Bhardwaj is there to explain you very simple methods by which you can do all the corrections in your kitchen very easily. Vastu remedy for study room and Vastu remedies for bedroom especially for the master bedroom is also defined in this youtube video by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj Vastu consultant. Sometimes you have the difficulty in children study and children consultation while doing education and you have too much worries about their qualification experience and other parameters which they are going to face after their education is finished and when they are out in the market to seek their jobs. Dr. Anand Bhardwaj tells if you have such problem in your house related to your children study then you will have to see very simple Vastu remedies which are defined in youtube video in Hindi by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj and no need to be worried. Vastu remedy for kitchen in northeast and Vastu remedy for toilet in northeast are very common and only one and single remedy is going to do all the Vastu ill effects away from your house and you may be getting very good vibrations and good energies in your house and you will feel positive. Thank you very much
#vasturemediesfortoilet #vastuforkitchenremedy #vasturemedyformasterbedroom #vasturemedyforchildrenbedroom #vasturemedyforpoojaroom #vastufortoiletremedy #Vaasturemedies #vasturemediesofkitchen #vasturemedyforkitcheninnorth #vasturemedyforkitcheninnortheast #vasturemedyforwashroominnortheast #Vasturemediesforkitcheninnortheastdirection #vasturemedyforwashroominnortheast #vasturemedy #vastuforbedroomremedy #vasturemedyforstudyroom
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