Today's Josh Talks Aasha speaker, Mona Balani, is a powerful personality who has not only faced immense challenges in life but has also worked tirelessly to change people's perceptions about the sensitive issue of HIV. Her journey is an inspiration for anyone who feels hopeless when faced with difficulties. Mona has proven that with courage and determination, you can overcome any negativity the world throws at you.
Mona Balani’s path was far from easy. When she was diagnosed as HIV positive, her world turned upside down in an instant. She faced harsh societal judgment, constant criticism, and an internal emotional battle that tested her strength. But instead of giving up, Mona chose to fight back. She educated herself about HIV, took control of her mental and physical well-being, and decided to break the myths and stigma surrounding the condition.
On Josh Talks Aasha, Mona will share the most challenging and emotional moments of her journey how she embraced acceptance, prioritized her mental health, and emerged as a strong voice against societal prejudice. She will emphasize that being HIV positive is not the end of life it can be the beginning of a new and meaningful chapter.
Mona’s message is clear: One label does not define who you are. She wants to spread awareness and encourage empathy, reminding everyone that no health condition should diminish their self-worth. Through her talk, Mona aims to inspire those who feel weakened or isolated due to their health struggles.
Her story is a powerful reminder that true defeat only happens when you lose hope. Mona Balani’s journey is a testament to resilience, courage, and the belief that every person has the strength to rise above their circumstances and live a life full of dignity and hope.
0:00 - 0:50 - Highlights
0:50 - 1:04 - Brand Integration
1:04 - 1:50 - Introduction
1:50 - 2:51 - घरवालो के खिलाफ शादी
2:51 - 3:02 - 9 साल बाद पापा मिलने आए
3:02 - 5:57 - पति की HIV Report Positive आई
5:57 - 7:52 - मेरी HIV Report भी Positive थी
7:52 - 8:20 - लोगो ने घर आना बंद कर दिया
8:20 - 9 : 58 - 28 के है और HIV हो गया
9:58 - 11:05 - मेरे पति दुनिया से चले गए
11:05 - 12:00 - मुझे TB हो गई थी
12:00- 12:52 बेटा बना Strength
12:52 - 13:37 राजस्थान में HIV की जागृति
13:37 - 15:28 Myths about HIV
15:28 - 16:48 Education about HIV/AIDS
16:48 - 18:30 Exploitation of Women
18:30 - 19:47 Positive Mother Association
19:47 - 21:07 हमारा स्वस्थ, हमारी ज़िम्मेदारी
21:07 - 23:56 City Champions
About us:
Josh Talks Aasha is a part of The Josh Group. With 6 years, 9 languages,11 million+ subscribers, 5000+ stories, and continuous interactions with the Josh Community, we realized the need to start a conversation about contemporary topics that impact our personal and professional lives in today's India. Hence, Josh Talks introduces Josh Aasha, a platform where together, we create a unique perspective about every aspect of our life from Finance, Career, and Laws to Relationships, Emotions, and Personal Image, all this and more through informative videos and discussions. Aasha is a part of the Josh Group.
Josh Talks Aasha, The Josh Group का ही एक हिस्सा है. 6 साल, 9 भाषा, 11 Million+ लोगों का परिवार बनाने और 5000 से ज्यादा कहानियां सुनाने के बाद और एक दूसरे के साथ किये संवाद से, खासतौर पर लड़कियों से, हमें ऐसे कुछ गंभीर विषयों के बारे में बातचीत शुरू करने की जरूरत महसूस हुई, जो आज के भारत में हमारी Personal और Professional Life को प्रभावित करते हैं। इसलिए, जोश Talks ने नींव रखी है जोश Talks आशा की। एक ऐसा मंच जहां एक साथ, हम अपनी Life के हर पहलू के बारे में बातचीत करेंगे जैसे कि Career, Law, Relationships, Feelings, Personal और Social Image आदि। इन मुद्दों पर Well Researched Content से हम अपनी Life में उस बदलाव को लाएंगे, जो जिंदगी को सफलता के मुकाम तक ले जाता है। तो देर किस बात की है, आँख बंद कीजिए, सीने पर हाथ रखिए और बोलिए, 'हम जहाँ, जोश वहाँ.'